Worm Full Moon

Occurs Monday, March 25, 3:00 AM EDT


March’s Full Moon is the Worm Moon and is the final Full Moon of Winter. The Worm Moon represents a fresh start. Earthworm manure or vermicast emerges as the earth thaws, and as the soil begins to warm and soften earth worms wiggle their way out into the world.

As the full moon in Libra aligns with a lunar eclipse, this becomes one of the most romantically charged nights of the year. It is the perfect time to reflect on all of your relationships. Give gratitude for those that support and anchor you, embolden you to dream the life you desire into reality, and generally uplift you. How do you show up in these relationships? Is there a way to create further balance by showing up more fully in them? Have you been hesitant to express your needs and/or desires in the relationship? Be vulnerable, voicing your needs and wants. 

Eclipses are a time to break cycles, release the things that no longer serve you and if you are in a strained relationship tensions could boil over. Take the time to work through the tension. Find your way to the root of the issue with empathy and respect. It could result in resolving the issue for the better, for good. However, ensure that you don’t appease the other person for the sake of peace, this will not serve you in the long-run. You may realize that some relationships have run their course, this is totally fine too. Release each other to your own destiny for your highest and best good. 

This powerful cosmic energy lends itself to manifestation, particularly when it comes to the wishes held deep within your soul.


For this full moon you can meditate on the mantra:

I honor the relationships that support my highest and best good. I amicably and with love release the relationships that are no longer aligned with my soul's journey. I manifest a life of abundant love. I am abundant love.

Full Moon Sound Healing

Join our March Full Moon Sound Healing, virtually, on Monday, March 25 at 7:00PM EDT.


April Energetics


Spring Equinox